Monday, October 18, 2010

I like turtles...

Looking for inspiration today I saw my friend Andy's sweet Ninja Turtle toy sitting at his work desk. It reminded me that I had meant to draw a portrait of a Turtle for him, Since Raphael is both of our favorites.

I used to draw this guy all the time when I was a wee lad. I still remember the first time I ran across TMNT. I was in a game store in Sooner Mall in Norman, OK. I remember picking up a copy of the roleplaying game that Palladium put out back in the Eighties and seeing the picture of Raph next to his game stats. Something about that image looked so cool and tough. He was obviously not one to take any guff.

From the game I discovered the comic which was great. And of course later came the toys and cartoon, but they were never as cool as the original stuff.

This one's for you Andy!


  1. Really very cool, I showed this to Nisha and she demanded that I print it out so she could put it on her wall!
